Banbury Private Physiotherapy Practice Price List

How much will it cost?

Below you will find a list of the prices for all the treatments that we offer.

How do I pay?

We would kindly ask that clients pay after each session and before leaving the building.

• By card within the practice or over the telephone in advance.

• BACS transfer

• Cash

• Insurance: We accept most insurance companies but we suggest that you reference your provider before booking an appointment with us. When you speak to our team we will ask for your policy number and authorization code on booking. We also support most ‘cash back’ firms. When payment is made do ask us for a receipt with the HCPC membership number which will entitle you to make a claim against your policy. If you are insured, please ensure that you have contacted your insurance company and have your authorisation code and membership details before booking.


PhysiotherapySarah Baimbridge
AssessmentAssessment and therapeutic diagnosis£75
Follow UpTherapeutic treatment with Sarah Baimbridge£55
Sports Therapy
AssessmentAssessment and diagnosis£50
Follow UpTreatment£50
Massage Therapy
Sports MassageDeep tissue60 mins£49
Deep Tissue30 mins£45

All of our massage oils and emollients used for Physiotherapy and Massage are organic.