Acupuncture, Reiki and Homeopathic Medicine

Acupuncture is a nonpharmacological treatment option for multiple different diseases and symptoms.It is often used as a standalone treatment or in part of a rehabilitation process and has the ideology based on the principle of applying small needles or pressure to specific points in the body.



The origins of this treatment system are grounded in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), with the principle of   alignment of qi, which means “vital energy” and encompasses the yin/yang dichotomy that flows through all of the physical worlds.

A blockage or excess of any disrupts this vital energy. Acupuncture aims to open the blockage or reduce the excess of qi flowing through specific channels in the body, known as meridians.  Under this ideology, health is not simply the absence of disease, but rather the functioning interconnection of wellness. There are no isolated symptoms, but rather each symptom arises in the context of blockage or excess specific to the individual. Balancing the qi restores the interconnectedness, thus restoring wellness.

Multiple studies have shown the effectiveness in the treatment of back pain, either acute or chronic, knee pain secondary to osteoarthritis, myofascial pain, and headaches.

Mark Wilson has studied and achieved a Bsc in the study of acupuncture from the University of London in 2002.

Working alongside Sarah Baimbridge MCSP HCPC, They hope to offer a new service to those who have chronic pain issues and require both traditional and alternative pathways to seeking ease to their discomfort

Mark also works as a standalone practitioner and welcomes those who seek an alternative practice to finding recovery or prevent deterioration of their condition.

Homeopathic Medicine

coming soon.


coming soon

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