January 2019

The Banbury Private Physiotherapy Practice is delighted to announce the arrival of a new member to the therapy team.
Kieran Richards is a personal raining Instructor who has a wealth of experience in training 1:1 clients , class groups and working with members of the public who have a condition or complaint which is obstructing their fitness and life goals.
He will be developing our Cardiovascular fitness programs and condition specific classes getting you back to health- right in the heart of the town

January 2019

The Banbury Private Physiotherapy Practice is proud to announce the arrival of Kerry Lloyd MCSP HCPC.
Kerr is a Chartered Physiotherapist who has a Specialist Interest in Musculoskeletal conditions, holds Injecting and Prescribing rights and practices Medicolegal Exert witness practice.
She will be holding Physiotherapy clinics in the Banbury Practice on a Monday and Thursday days/evenings

Sarah Baimbridge will be running a clinic in Stratford upon Avon every Wednesday morning from April 4th 2018.

The clinic will be based at Therapy Fusion, Trinity House, Aintree Road, Stratford upon Avon.

Please continue to book through the Banbury team on 01295 257584.

Until August 1st, you will receive a complimentary Reflexology session when you purchase two.

Contact us for more details or pop in!