We have an update from our resident Runner’s Blogger, Hannah Ward:
I have signed up to run the London Marathon for VICTA. I am happy for that.
In terms of training unfortunately things have not gone to plan. I injured my right ankle in December and it has taken until February to get it right and it’s only due to Sarah that I’m even able to consider running in April!
Then to add to to this I fell head first down a flight of stairs in Jan and gave myself whiplash which Sarah also successfully treated!
I am now in serious training and am up to 13 miles but am way behind. I will get round London but I doubt I will make the time I wanted so will try for that in New York!
On another note but related to the charity I am rnning in London for – I’m getting a new artificial eye. It’s been a 3 mth process but hopefully will be a good result!!
If anyone is interested in finding out more about VICTA or supporting Hannah in the London Marathon please click here: http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/HannahCoxhead

Our resident distance running blogger gave us this update this week:

Well, I’ve done 2 horrendous 10k’s where it all went a bit wrong then last Sunday I did the Alcester 10k near Stratford and it went really really well I was the 12th lady and 6th in my class so dead chuffed.

Unfortunately, I did not make it through to the ballot for London 2016 so I have signed up to do it for charity. The charity I am doing it for is VICTA which is a charity that helps visually impaired and blind children and young adults. Having been blind in my left eye since I was 3 I think this is a great charity to help. I have not set up my charity page yet but as soon as I do I’ll email the link.

On a separate note the KT tape is working very well with the knee issue and has also helped with Ian’s Achilles tendonitis.

More information on VICTA can be found at www.victa.org.uk

Hannah Ward Bayer 10k