Diagnosis to Rehabilitation is 10 hours!

We thought we would share a recent patient case showcasing Dan Boyd and the capability to assess acutely injured patients, scan, prescribe and provide rehab management programs within under 10 hours of injury.

At this time of year snow fall and winter sports are becoming a feature of everyone’s agenda. Schools have had trips away, families and friends enjoy a pre Christmas  break or have new years holidays booked.

However performance sports can lend to injuries and with late snowfall some of the pistes are exposed. This is a story of Tom , 27 years of age, keen snowboarder and how a small child stepping out at the chair lift caused him to swerve to avoid impact. Snow is always sparse at chair lifts and with the late snowfall the area onto the chairs can be icy. Tom skidded and fell onto his right shoulder. He instantly knew it was injured. His xray showed a severe dislocation of the shoulder.

He was attended to in Spain, and the shoulder manipulated back into joint with advice. In the UK his appointment with a GP is in three weeks time.

He contacted the practice and was booked to see Dan Boyd within 10 hours of arriving home. Dan performed an Ultrasound scan within the practice and it was found that Tom has also sustained a fracture of his long arm bone( Humerus) and torn part of his rotator cuff.

Dan prescribed analgesics and Sarah Baimbridge has assessed and commenced a rehabilitation program.

That is diagnosis to imaged based rehabilitation is 10 hours!